Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I felt terrible. I was just traveling and lost, and she was just trying to protect her forest. Maybe others had come and taken away something or someone she loved or cared for. It wasn’t fair that we had met like this.. unable to communicate, and her unable to understand that I didn’t want to hurt her. I lowered my head softly, and pressed my lips to her cheek, kissing her gently, letting her see that I was not going to hurt her, even though our struggle had been painful for us both. 

I kept her pinned, my hands on her wrists, my weight keeping her down. She was strong, but a little smaller than me, and not quite strong enough to move me. She growled and nipped at my face, as I moved away from the kiss. I held her down, panting softly, and felt her lovely curves under me. She writhes softly, struggling, trying to escape, just as I had a little while before. I pressed closer, and talked to her soothingly, telling her again and again that I didn’t want to hurt her. She started to calm down finally, as I held her there, and I continued to hold her, but I kissed her again, this time over the bridge of her muzzle. She didn’t move, just closing her eyes, panting softly, as I held her. 

I looked at her beautiful face and lovely green eyes. She was gorgeous really. I looked at her, and she gazed up at me in sadness. Perhaps she felt like I was going to kill her. I kisses her again, this time on the lips, expecting her to bite me, but she didn’t. She kissed back. A thrill ran through my heart. Her tongue slipped into my muzzle, and caressed over mine slowly. That slender, warm vixen tongue lit fires through my body, as I kissed her for a very long time. 

I didn’t need a translation book or anything like that to tell what she meant now. She wanted to show that she didn’t want to kill me, or was happy that I was sparing her life, perhaps. I kissed back more passionately, my own tongue searching her mouth, finding it so warm and inviting, as I held her there, still pinned, but a bit more relaxed. 

My cock began to swell with my growing arousal, fighting for room in my rather tight jeans. I rubbed myself up against her, and allowed her to free her legs, which she parted slightly, to let me move closer to her. This was as good as a spoken invitation as far as I was concerned, and the mix of my arousal and the adrenaline I had felt had me more ready than anything just erotic. My heart was pounding as I kissed her, and she rubbed back up against me softly. I had beaten her in the fight.. I was the winner. I was strong and fast. I would make for strong, fast children. Surely this was what she desired. I looked into her half closed eyes again, as she licked her black nose with that bright pink tongue, and I considered what I should do now..

Remain strong, and take her eagerly.
Show your warmth and compassion.. let her free, and try to make love with her full consent.


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